
Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá’u’lláh


He is God. Glorified be He; Grandeur and Might are His.

On the morning of the blessed Friday, We proceeded from the Mansion and entered the Garden. Every tree uttered a word, and every leaf sang a melody. The trees proclaimed: “Behold the evidences of God’s Mercy”,1 and the twin streams recited in the eloquent tongue the sacred verse “From us all things were made alive.” Glorified be God! Mysteries were voiced by them, which provoked wonderment: in which school were they educated, and from whose presence had they acquired their learning? Yea! This Wronged One knoweth and He saith: “From God, the All-Encompassing, the Self-Subsistent”.

Upon Our being seated, Ráḍíyih—upon her be My glory—attained Our presence on thy behalf, laid the table of God’s bounty, and in thy name extended hospitality to all present. In truth, all that which stimulateth the appetite and pleaseth the eye was offered,2 and indeed that which delighteth the ear could also be heard as the leaves were stirred by the Will of God, and from this movement a refreshing voice was raised, as if uttering a blissful call inviting the absent to this Feast. God’s power and the perfection of His handiwork could enjoyably be seen in the blossoms, the fruits, the trees, the leaves, and the streams. Praised be God, Who hath thus confirmed thee and her.

In brief, all in the Garden were recipients of the choicest bounties and in the end expressed their thanksgiving unto their Lord. O that all God’s beloved had been present on this day!

We beseech God, exalted be He, to cause to descend upon thee, at every moment, a blessing and a mercy and a measure of divine grace from His presence. He is the Forgiving, the All-Glorious.

We send greetings to His loved ones, and supplicate for each one of them that which is worthy of mention and is acceptable in His presence. Peace be upon thee, and upon God’s sincere servants. Praise be to Him, the Lord of all mankind.3


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