
Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá’u’lláh


In recent days the Kitáb-i-Aqdas hath been revealed from the heaven of holiness. Blessed is the man who will read it and ponder the verses sent down in it by the omnipotent, self-subsisting Lord. The reason was this: Over the course of some years, questions concerning the laws of God were received from divers lands, but the Supreme Pen did not respond to them; then, in the Land of Mystery,1 a brief tablet was revealed in the Persian language but was not sent out, and, as directed, it was kept in a safe place. Recently, once again petitions containing questions have reached the Most Holy Threshold. Thereupon this wondrous and sublime Book hath been sent down in the form of Divine verses. As Áqá J. M., upon him rest the glory of God, was on a visit here, that which was suitable for release at present was shared with him; namely, he was permitted to take a copy. God willing, you will receive the Text and act in accordance with wisdom.


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