Sa‘dí, Muṣliḥu’d-Dín of Shíráz (d. 691 A.H./1292 A.D.), famed author of the “Gulistán” and other poetical works.
“The Hidden Words of Bahá’u’lláh”, Arabic no. 51, rev. ed. (Wilmette: Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 1985), p. 15.
“Epistle to the Son of the Wolf”, rev. ed. (Wilmette: Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 1988), p. 1.
The Continental Boards of Counsellors … are charged with specific functions relating to the protection and propagation of the Faith in the areas under their jurisdiction. They will operate in a manner similar to that set forth by the beloved Guardian for the Hands of the Cause in his communications outlining the responsibilities they are called upon to discharge in collaboration with National Spiritual Assemblies. We particularly draw your attention to his message of June 4, 1957. (From a letter of the Universal House of Justice dated 24 June 1968 to a Continental Board of Counsellors)